Thursday, May 15, 2008

In my Quiet Time.

We were asked to meditate on Proverbs 145 today in class. It was not long before I had to stop. In verse 2 I read;
“Every day I will praise you. I will extol your name forever and ever.”

The First thing that stood out was “Every day” So many times I skip a day and I do not remember to spend time with Him. God calls us in to a relationship, and he wants the highest relationship with us, marriage. Now, I am not married but I can't imagine not spending time with my wife. Not only that but not wanting to spend time with her and having to be forced to hang out with her for even 10 min. God wants to be with me in ALL I do. He wants to steal us away from every thing else so He can woo us. He wants us to know Him more so he can tell us His secrets. So we can be intimate with Him. What are some things you think about when you hear the word intimacy? Some things I think about are:
● Love
● Commitment
● Deep knowledge
● Sex
● Oneness
● Vulnerable
If we are in a intimate relationship with a living and real God than we should love to be alone with Him. If we are truly intimate with God than it would pain us not to be with Him, Because we would always want to be close with Him, as a husband a wife.

The other thing that really stood out to me was “I will extol your name forever and ever”. I was not to sure what “EXTOL” meant so I looked it up in the dictionary. It means to praise enthusiastically. WOW! but I felt like God wanted me to get more, So, I looked at the synonyms. One of them was “rhapsodize” I had never heard of this word before, so i looked it up as well. this in what is said:
rhapsodize |ˈrapsəˌdīz|
verb [ intrans. ]
speak or write about someone or something with great enthusiasm and delight

This blew me away! It means “I will have extreme delight in worshiping you my God for as long as everything on earth and in heaven exists!”

Think About that with me. Is that not AWESOME? that God gives us the power to enjoy Him in everything we are going through. NO MATTER WHAT! He Freely gives us the POWER!!

So have Joy people of God, For the Living King of the Universe in not only with you, but He is IN you!