Friday, May 16, 2008

News Lettes!!!

As all 16 of us piled into a 15 passenger van, I was forced to lay between the side door and the seat. While my leg was crying out for relief, I saw that we had quite a bit more to go. Once we arrived at the Church Without Walls, I looked around. On either side of us was a set of train tracks. And in front was a 30x30 slab of concrete with sheet metal for a roof. I thought to myself, "This really is a church without walls." As I saw People starting to set up tarps to block the freezing wind from making it too unbearable for us to sit during the service, our team helped out by setting up metal folding chairs. One of the Discipleship Training School (DTS) students from Cambodia led in a couple of worship songs. Right before his fingers were about to fall off because of the freezing weather he handed the borrowed guitar back to the pastor. After the pastor finished leading us in worship, Elise, one of the other DTS students, courageously stood up and gave her testimony about how God can use something that was meant for evil and change it to something that was meant for good. After the service was over, we pulled out the chicken pot pies, salad, rolls, sweet tea, and the banana cream pie that we had made that afternoon to serve the anxiously awaiting congregation. By the time that night had finished, my heart was softened to this type of ministry the pastor had been doing for over 12 years. And as we drove off, I knew these people would not be able to go home to a nice and warm house— they had to find shelter underneath the bridges and curl up in a ball to keep from freezing. Somehow my cramped leg on the drive home didn't feel so bad anymore.

A southern jock, a coon hunter, a movie star, a Cambodian samurai, a female hardcore rocker and a small town girl from North Carolina all gathered together. There is no reason on God's green earth that these people should be in one place. But the one thing they have in common
is that they are here to know God and make Him known. During the last few months, I've been preparing and staffing the DTS here in Ozark, Arkansas. When I first started in ministry, God had told me that He wanted me to shepherd a flock. Ever since then, He has put this burden on my heart to DISCIPLE people and train them up in His ways. I can remember my first youth pastor meeting after graduating high school, sitting across the table from another youth leader, debating about what is more important: evangelism or discipleship. I know one without the other is useless and personally feel discipleship is key for our generation to make a difference and change this world. God has called me to disciple many people and being here with Youth With A Mission and discipling these students is like a dream come true.

As I try to fulfill God's plan for my life and His call on all people to go and make disciples of nations, I'm asking you to join me in whatever way God allows you to—whether in prayer or financial support—to partner with me to reach this goal of discipling nations. Here today, I am staffing a DTS. I'm asking you to be a part of my team, as God guides me through his ministry. My support needs are for $1800 a month; I have 3% of that. Also I am looking to go on the DTS outreach to Columbia on May 27th for nine weeks for that I need about $5,000 in all. So, please, would you ask God how you can be a part of this ministry? All gifts are tax deductible and you will be helping out not only me, but many people I get to serve and share with around the globe.

I pray that God will bless you above and beyond what you need and as you join with me, may you find joy in reaching the world!